Often the simplest and most straightforward ideas will make a difference to their quality of life. Try the following:
- Lay out clothing layer by layer, underwear on top
- Avoid tight neck-holes
- Buy trousers with an elasticated waist – saves fiddling with buttons and zips
- Trousers pleated at the front make identifying ‘the right way round’ easier
- Shirt collars one size larger than fits are easier to fasten
- Baggy t-shirts and shorts are easy and comfy
- Use a flexible straw with a drink to prevent spilling
- Don’t fill cups too full
- Use a damp towel under plates to stop them from moving
- Sit down to eat where possible
Getting organised:
- Keep to a daily routine
- Post-It® pads stuck at eye level on doors are useful reminders
- Transparent purses and pencil cases let you see the contents easily
- Keep keys and purses on a long chain which clips to clothing